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Celebrating Valentine's Day is going to be very different this year, and if you’re a first time buyer trying to save money for a home, you might think your options are even more limited. 

We know that if you’re buying your first home, some spending sacrifices have to be made, but saving also doesn’t have to completely suck. 

Even if you’re at home, you can still make Valentine’s Day fun, memorable and romantic. Here are some of our suggestions for fun but cheap lockdown Valentine’s date ideas. 

Date ideas if you are both together 

If you live with your partner or they are in your support bubble, then there are plenty of ways you can celebrate with one another.

1. Cook a meal 

We don’t just mean your usual Tuesday night dinners. Use this Valentine's as an excuse for practicing your cooking skills, and creating something new and exciting! 

TikTok is full of new and exciting budget recipe ideas, if you’re feeling stuck for inspiration. from Birria Tacos to Feta Pasta, there’s definitely something to satisfy everybody’s taste buds. 

2. Get a meal-delivery kit 

Let’s be honest, sometimes we can all get a bit sick of our own cooking, so Valentines is the perfect excuse to get a meal-delivery kit for two. 

Many local restaurants are currently providing meal kits for collection or delivery, so they are a great way to help support your favourite eatery when you can’t go for a sit-down meal. 

Supermarkets such as M&S and Tesco are also offering 'dine in for two' meal deals, which can offer as much choice as a restaurant menu! 

3. Surprise each other by guessing your other half’s favourite snacks 

Another fun game with your partner. Next time you’re out doing your essential shop, pick out a drink, crisps, sweets, and a fun extra that you think are your partner's favourite, then present them to each other. It’s a really fun way to find out how well you know each other even if you’re saving money!

4. Rock Paper Scissors Takeaway Date 

This challenge has taken TikTok by storm. The idea is pretty simple. You play rock paper scissors, and the person who wins decides what you get to eat. Some people do this for starters, mains and desserts, but if you’re on a budget, you can always just stick to getting a main to share with your partner. 

Just make sure that you’re staying within your local area and check your local covid restrictions before doing this one! 

5. Movie Night 

Nothing quite beats a traditional movie night. Now is the time to watch that film on Netflix you’ve had saved for months! This one is also good for long distance couples, and is a great way to stay connected. 

Date ideas if you are apart.

Not being with your partner can be annoying on Valentine's Day, especially if your social media is full of couples who live together enjoying Valentine's together and sharing gifts. (we’ve all been there!) 

However, there are still plenty of ways you can make an effort for one another and stay connected, and it’s even easier if you’re saving money. Even having a small virtual celebration can really help break up the monotony of lockdown, and will give you something to look forward to. 

1. Have a Netflix party 

Install the ‘netflix party’ plug-in so you can watch your favourite film together, and chat at the same time. 

2. Visit a virtual museum 

Some of the biggest museums and galleries around the world are offering online tours and exhibits. Now is the time to take a visit, and you don’t even have to spend a penny! 

3. Make some cocktails 

Get that cocktail kit out of the cupboard and take a virtual cocktail making class together. You might not be able to taste your partner’s creation, but it is pretty fun getting to judge their skills and reactions! 

You can also save money by using alcohol that is already in your house, I’m sure we all have a couple of spirits from Christmas sitting at the back of our cupboards that have been untouched due to Dry January! 

4. Just chat and relax 

Valentines can be a day which people find pressurising, especially if you’re not together and you still want to impress. You can always just keep things simple, and talk about your day and all the reasons why you can’t wait to be reunited. Dress up, dress down, do whatever you want. 

Remind yourself of the little things, and how grateful you have one another (or how grateful you both to not have to spend big on an expensive date this year, something which a lot of first-time buyer couples can definitely relate to!) 

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our Valentine's Day date ideas, and now feel inspired to have a great Valentine’s Day on a budget! 

Read our other blogs for more expert saving tips, including our blog post: why saving for a house deposit doesn’t have to completely suck.

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