We create an affiliate link (url) or QR code specifically for you like the examples shows.
Try it now!
Click on this Sample Contractors link or scan the QR Code in the image.
If these are issues you face, then we at Mortgage Joy can help you. We have a simple solution that links your buyers up with our award-winning mortgage brokers.
Best of all if the buyer completes their mortgage with Mortgage Joy we will pay you an agreed fee.
We create an affiliate link (url) or QR code specifically for you like the examples shows.
Try it now!
Click on this Sample Contractors link or scan the QR Code in the image.
Share the link or QR code with your buyers through whatever means you want e.g. on your website, by email, txt or WhatsApp, on a brochure or via your Facebook or LinkedIn accounts etc.
The Buyer uses the Link or QR code, adds their details in the form and our broker gives them a call.
Our broker determines if the buyer is eligible for a mortgage and guides them through the process.
You can track everything the buyer does with our broker. Every month you will get a report emailed to you detailing the progress of your buyers i.e. at what stage in the Mortgage process they are at. If they drop out of the process or succeed in their mortgage you will get notified.
Check out our award winning brokers here.
Check out out social media presence online.
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